

Secured Session

The challenge description is:

If you can guess our random secret key, we will tell you the flag securely stored in your session.

Opening the web challenge url shows this page: webpage screenshot of Python Flask code behind the challenge

The page contains the Python Flask code that the challenge runs on. There is a randomly generated SECRET_KEY initialised at the start of the application. The URL path /flag can take a secret_key GET parameter, which then is compared with the global SECRET_KEY. If there is a match, the server will return the flag in the response. However, before performing the comparison, the code stores the flag in the client session cookie. In Flask, by default, the session cookie is a base64 encoding of the JSON serialized contents of the session variable.

screenshot of the browser showing the cookies stored for this challenge

Taking the value of the session cookie


and decoding it from base64 presents this

{"flag":{" b":"MjQ3Q1RGe2RhODA3OTVmOGE1Y2FiMmUwMzdkNzM4NTgwN2I5YTkxfQ=="}}[random bytes]

Finally, the base64 decoded flag value is the challenge flag.

